Sistemi di monitoraggio

Deva DB4005
Advanced FM Monitoring Receiver & MPX Modulation Analyzer
DB4005 is a third-generation digital FM Radio modulation analyzer and monitoring receiver, adding a whole new dimension to the idea of accuracy and versatility. This powerful monitoring system allows for easy and reliable monitoring of the quality of up to 50 FM radio stations. With its TCP/IP and (optional) GSM connectivity, the DB4005 utilizes not only tried and tested functionalities, but also important upgrades which are sure to add to its appeal.

Audemat DAB Probe
The Audemat DAB Probe is a complete DAB radio monitoring solution to perform advanced signal analysis, on-site and of broadcast coverage area.

Deva | DB45 – DSP-Based FM Radio Receiver and Modulation Analyzer
Con un core basato su DSP e un design pratico e compatto, il monitor dei segnali FM Deva DB45 promette misure accurate di tutti i parametri, tra cui il livello RF, la deviazione MPX, la potenza MPX, i livelli audio sinistro e destro, RDS e i livelli pilota.

Dopo la demodulazione del segnale FM, il sintonizzatore FM SDR digitalizza il segnale RF e tutta l’elaborazione viene eseguita digitalmente tramite calcoli numerici. Il DB45 offre anche un’interfaccia web “facile da usare”, uno streamer audio incorporato, che consente agli utenti di ascoltare e registrare l’audio da qualsiasi stazione, ed una connessione TCP / IP (la connettività GSM è opzionale) per il monitoraggio remoto.

Deva | DB46 – Compact DAB/DAB+ Monitoring Receiver
Il Mod. DB46 DAB Monitor, è sviluppato sullo stesso principio, combinando affidabilità e praticità. E’ conforme allo standard ETSI EN 300 401 DAB. Supporta AAC, AAC +, MP3 e RTP ed è compatibile con varie piattaforme multimediali, tra cui Icecast e Shoutcast. il DB46 supporta anche i dati associati al programma, bitrate standard e VBR, nonché la visualizzazione automatica dei metadati live.

L’unità controlla e registra le informazioni sul segnale oltre ai valori del livello audio sinistro e destro, consentendo così agli utenti di analizzare i dati in un secondo momento. La configurazione e il controllo sono accessibili in remoto tramite PC, tablet o smartphone attraverso un browser Web standard. Sono supportati anche i dispositivi Android e iOS.

Deva | Ricevitore DAB/BAB+ ed internet Radio
The new DB3012 – DAB/DAB+ Radio & IP Audio Confidence Monitoring Receiver is the ultimate monitoring tool – pace-setting, dependable and sophisticated. Designed to meet the latest trend in the broadcasting equipment industry – the Digital Audio Broadcasting Service, this product is your solution for near CD-audio quality, user-friendly operation and a wide range of outstanding features with the trademark DEVA guarantee of quality and functionality.

Deva | Ricevitore DAB/DAB+ ad alte prestazioni
DEVA’s DB7012 – Professional DAB/DAB+ Monitoring Receiver is an elegant and smart monitoring solution specifically developed by our engineers to fully comply with the Digital Audio Broadcasting standard while strictly adhering to the signature features underlying the company’s products. A highly practical design coupled with a wide range of features makes this device a guarantee of slick and smooth performance.

AUDEMAT FM MONITOR (formerly known as GOLDENEAGLE FM) is a powerful and professional solution for FM monitoring at the transmitter site or in the coverage area.The unit sequentially monitors a set list of stations and continuously ensures that your FM network complies with both legislation and your expectations.